Urenio Watch Watch: Innovative Cities & Regions

Silicon Valley 2010: A new phase of uncertainty

The Silicon Valley 2010 Index just released from Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network and Silicon Valley Community Foundation brings clear signs that the innovation engine of the region is slowing down and the Valley is entering a new phase of restructuring and uncertainty. Published annually since 1995, the Silicon Valley Index examines trends in five areas: People and talent flows; Economy and innovation; Continue reading

Toronto’s Vital Signs 2009 Report

Toronto-Vital-Signs-2009Toronto’ s Vital Signs annual report provides a snapshot of the trends in the city, highlighting progress it should be proud of and challenges that need to be addressed for quality of life. The goals of report include inspiring civic engagement, providing focus for public debate, and guiding donors and stakeholders who want to direct their resources to areas of greatest need. Continue reading