The 2005 Georgia Manufacturing Survey shows that companies basing their competitive strategies on the development of innovative products or processes enjoy higher returns on sales, pay better wages and have less to fear from outsourcing than do manufacturers relying on other competitive strategies. Continue reading
Innovation Clusters
The OECD study on innovation in the energy sector focuses mainly on fuel cell technology but other fields also examined, including oil & gas extraction technologies and clean coal technology. The objectives were to present recent R&D and innovation processes in the energy sector, and formulate policy recommendations for national policies in the sector. Continue reading
A report that provides to economic developers with an understanding of the latest research on the issues surrounding entrepreneurship and knowledge clusters as economic development strategies, along with practical new ideas and tactics. Continue reading
“Innovation Systems and Economic Development: The Role of Local and Regional Clusters in Canada” is a five-year, $2.5 million study that examines the impact and importance of cluster-driven innovation in Canada. The first of its kind in Canada, this study investigates how local networks of firms and supporting infrastructure of institutions, businesses and people in communities across Canada interact to spark economic growth. Continue reading
A radical change in the innovation policy of France was announced in 2004. The new orientation supports “Poles de Competitivité” or Competitiveness Clusters, and is designed to promote development of world class high technology clusters combining R&D centres and industry. Continue reading
STRATINC is an interregional cooperation project aimed to improve the competitiveness of regional businesses. Gathering six European regions, the project uses strategic intelligence methods and tools to identify, monitor and sustain innovative clusters. Continue reading
The Competitiveness Institute is a not-for-profit alliance of cluster practitioners. TCI’s mission is to improve living standards and the local competitiveness of regions throughout the world, by fostering cluster-based development initiatives. Continue reading