How do we design urban technologies that engage and empower ‘˜publics’ (groups of people) to act on communally shared issues? That is the main theme of a new study launched by The Mobile City and Virtueel Platform. In this study the authors present “ownership’ as an alternative design approach. How can we Design for ‘˜Ownership’ rather than for ‘˜Smart Cities’ . Continue reading
Intelligent / Smart Cities Strategies
Sant Cugat Smart City strategy outlines a series of topics to be considered in the preparation of a smart city strategy, such as the concept and model of smart city; the applications domains, Continue reading
Zoe Green, in the Global Urbanist online magazine, argues that although the ‘smart city’ concept has existed for several years, but only now, with some trial and error, are we seeing the real fruits of these efforts coming to light. Continue reading
Malaysia is a rapidly developing and urbanising country. The high speed of the ongoing urbanisation in Malaysia means that there is always the danger than a chaotic and highly inefficient urban sprawl might be Continue reading
Smart cities might be the ideal way to control the rapid urbanisation taking place in Saudi Arabia. This is the solution offered to the Arab Kingdom by the global energy management specialists Schneider Electric, according the speech made by Continue reading
The IBM Smarter Cities Challenge 2012 application cycle is open until December 16, 2011. The Smarter Cities Challenge is a competitive grant program awarding $50 million worth of IBM expertise over the next three years to 100 cities around the globe. Continue reading
This publication contains an overview of the sixteen projects and the results of Amsterdam Smart City. The projects which span in the areas of Working, Living, Mobility and Public Space were set up over a period of two years. Continue reading