Urenio Watch Watch: Intelligent / Smart Cities Strategies

Smart Cities Scotland Blueprint

smart cities scotlandThis blueprint, prepared for Scottish Cities Alliance, supports the development strategy of Scottish government, considering what the cities can achieve by working together to advance both individual and joint smart cities initiatives. It establishes key collaborative actions and programmes to deliver smart cities activity, and identifies funding mechanisms, delivery structures and monitoring activities to support delivery. Continue reading

Paper: Cities, Data, and Digital Innovation

scdiLocal governments are abuzz with the opportunities that Big Data, Open Government, and Smart Cities offer to drive economic growth, improve transparency and accountability, build public engagement, and deliver higher quality city services at lower costs. In a new paper, Cities, Data, and Digital Innovation, Mark Kleinman disentangles these overlapping ideas and charts how governments in Toronto, Canada and London, England have responded to them. Continue reading

Data-Driven City Management: A Close Look at Amsterdam’ s Smart City Initiative

mit sloan reviewThe following case study by M. Fitzgerald, published on MIT Sloan Management Review, on May 2016, presents an inside analysis into Amsterdam’ s Smart City Initiative. This case study is part of a series of MIT SMR-produced stories exploring the analytically-driven organization. The story is based, in part, on interviews with public- and private-sector executives. Both the featured company and the case study sponsor reviewed this case study prior to publication. Continue reading

Smart Cities and Infrastructure issues paper by UNCTAD

unctad logo Smart Cities reportDuring the 18th annual session of the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD), Smart Cities and Infrastructure, was selected as one of the priority themes for the 2015-16 period. The objective of this paper, prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat, is to illustrate the key role of STI, including ICT, in the development of a smart city and its infrastructure. Continue reading