Independent Co-Chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge and former Xerox PARC Chief Scientist John Seely Brown presents his theory of a monumental economic shift from a push to a pull economy as outlaid in his 2010 book, The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion. Continue reading
Collaborative Innovation
The contradiction of a single European currency within fragmented European member-state economic policies was well known before the introduction of the Euro. Back in 1989 we edited a collection of essays about the 1974-1979 crisis and theories relating this crisis to patterns of uneven economic, technological, and spatial development Continue reading
“Knowledge, networks and economic activity. Revisiting the network effects in the knowledge economy” paper by Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC) lecturer, Joan Torrent, analyses the transformations in the supply and demand of observable and tacit knowledge goods deriving from network effects. Continue reading
The 1st European Innovation Summit (EIS), to be organised by the Knowledge4Innovation on 13-14 October, will turn the European Parliament into an Innovation Showcase. Highlights include a “Welcome reception’ Continue reading
The UK’s Royal Society has recently published the findings of a major study on the role of science in services sector innovation. Entitled “Hidden Wealth: the contribution of science to service sector innovation”, the report highlights the wider significance of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to the services sector, which makes up around three quarters of the UK economy. Continue reading
In support of the nomination process for 2010 Intelligent Community of the Year, the Intelligent Community Forum has published a white paper entitled “The Education ‘˜Last Mile’ ‘“ Closing the Gap from School to Work’. The white paper explains and explores the 2010 awards annual theme, with the same name, which supplements the IC Indicators. Continue reading
Biofuels, Telecommunication and Nanotechnology are the hottest areas of R&D in the global intellectual property marketplace, according to an analysis of world patent activity published by the IP Solutions business of Thomson Reuters. Continue reading