Urenio Watch Watch: Knowledge Economy

Globalisation and Offshoring

globalisation-and-relocalisation1.jpgFoundation Focus (May 2008) brings some interesting data on globalisation, offshoring  and job loses. Based on the European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) research on restructuring trends in Europe during 2003-06, the article argues that offshoring accounted for 10% of cases of restructuring involving job loss (356 out of 3,475 cases in 2003’“6) and 8% of announced job losses. Continue reading

Benchmarking Economic Transformation in USA

neweconomy07.jpgMassachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington and California top the list of states that are leading an economic transformation in adapting to an increasingly global-, knowledge- and innovation-based New Economy, according to “The 2007 State New Economy Index’, released by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF). Continue reading