Urenio Watch Watch: Dissemination - Promotion

Online S3 – Insights from the first dissemination event

The first dissemination event of the Online S3 project was held on March 23rd, 2017 in Brussels and gathered more than 40 participants from regional administrations, EU institutions, research organisations, consultancies and other relevant stakeholder groups. The aim of the workshop was to showcase the findings of the EU wide mapping of methods used by regional and national partnerships to develop Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3). Continue reading

Online-S3 in Thessaloniki: Dissemination Events at the 10th ICEIRD Conference

As part of the dissemination processes, the Online-S3 project consortium attended the 10th ICEIRD Conference in Thessaloniki. The main aim of the conference was to explore the importance of universities, industry and government on how to promote innovation-led growth. The conference was structured around three tracks concerned with researching, co-producing and commercializing university-industry links. This conference offered an opportunity for Online-S3 to disseminate the project’ s initial findings with other key stakeholders in the field of Smart Specialisation. Continue reading

Smart & Safe City event 2017

At 7th and 8th of June 2017 the Safe City Event takes place at De Pier in The Hague, Netherlands.The Hague is the international city of peace and justice. Governments, corporates and knowledge institutions will work together on smart solutions for safety and security problems in the city (of the future). At the Safe City Event you meet safety and security experts and you hear about best practices of resilient cities, cyber security, contra terrorism, disaster management and more! Continue reading