Urenio Watch Watch: IntelCities Measurement

The Smart21 Communities of 2016

smart21The Intelligent Community Forum named the world’ s Smart21 Communities of 2016. The list includes eight communities from Canada, five communities from Taiwan, two communities from the United States, two communities from Australia, and one community each from Germany, The Netherlands, New Zealand and Sweden. This group of communities will now be in contention for the designation of Intelligent Community of the Year in June 2016. Continue reading

The World’ s Smart21 Communities of 2015

smart21-2015The Intelligent Community Forum today named the world’ s Smart21 Communities of 2015. The Smart21 Communities of 2015 is comprised of five communities from the United States, four communities from Australia, four communities from Taiwan, three communities from Canada, and one community each from Brazil, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya and New Zealand. Continue reading

ISO City Indicators

city-indicatorsThe International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published a new standard (ISO 37120:2014) in order to help cities to assess their performance and measure progress overtime, with the ultimate goal of improving quality of life and sustainability. The standard’ s uniform approach will enable cities to seamlessly compare where they stand in relation to other cities. Continue reading