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The Open Government Guide

Open-Government-Guide-Cabinet-Office-300x189People all around the world are demanding more openness in government. They are seeking ways for citizens to be able to participate in the decisions that effect them, and for governments to be more transparent, responsive, accountable, and effective. The Open Government Guide highlights practical, measurable, specific and actionable steps that governments can, and are taking across a range of cross-cutting and focused areas. Continue reading

Online tools for engaging citizens in the legislative process

gov-social-media-moco-300Around the world, parliaments, governments, civil society organizations, and even individual parliamentarians, are taking measures to make the legislative process more participatory. Andrew Mandelbaum published a list, in OpeningParliament.org, containing examples of some of the more prominent efforts to engage citizens in the legislative process. Continue reading

Using Crowdsourcing In Government

Using-Crowdsourcing-In-Government-1A new report by Professor Brabham, for IBM Center for The Business of Government, tries to categorize some of the new government crowdsourcing cases into a four-part, problem-based typology, encouraging government leaders and public administrators to consider these open problem-solving techniques as a way to engage the public and tackle difficult policy and administrative tasks more effectively and efficiently using online communities. Continue reading