Urenio Watch Watch: Innovation ecosystems

Transformation of Industry Ecosystems in Cities and Regions: A Generic Pathway for Smart and Green Transition

Published in Sustainability, this research paper focuses on pathways towards the digital and green transition. We assess a generic pathway for the transformation of industry ecosystems in cities and regions based on processes of “prioritisation”, “ecosystem identification”, and “platform-based digital and green transition”. Our interest in the transformation of activity-based ecosystems by the twin transition, digital and green, is both theoretical and methodological. Continue reading

Place-based Innovation Ecosystems: A case-study comparative analysis

This case study  represents a conclusive comparative analysis of a series of five Place-Based Innovation Ecosystem cases and aims at extracting policy relevant conclusions about the orchestrators and other systemically important actors and elements of these systems.  It contributes to the European Commission Joint Research Centre’ s research line about analysis and methodologies of Place-Based Innovation Ecosystems (PIEs).

The authors seek to generate scientific evidence for the future development of the European Union policies related to innovation in the context of regional and urban Innovation Ecosystems, emphasising the importance of the place-based dimension of innovation for the purpose of local economic transformation.

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Transforming innovation for decarbonisation? Insights from combining complex systems and social practice perspectives

The transformation of research and policy approaches to innovation for decarbonisation towards a type of social innovation, is promising to open discussions and interrelate with the present reality. This paper starts by challenging the demand-supply dichotomy. Complex systems and social practice theories represent the compelling frameworks whereby to deal with this transformation.

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Triple Helix and Smart Specialisation Strategies

The School of Business and Society at St Mary’ s University in the UK in cooperation with the Triple Helix Association and with the support from Erasmus+ programme of the European Union (Jean Monet Action) organises the workshop ‘˜Innovative Place-Based Triple Helix Approaches for Regional Development through Smart Specialisation Strategies’ on 28-29 June 2019. Continue reading

The 2019 European Triple Helix Congress on Responsible Innovation & Entrepreneurship 30/09/2019 – 01/10/2019 in Thessaloniki

ETHAC 2019The 2019 European Triple Helix Congress on Responsible Innovation & Entrepreneurship (EHTAC2019) will take place on 30th September ‘“ 1st October 2019 in Thessaloniki, Greece. The Congress is organized by the Triple Helix Association – a non-for-profit, non-governmental association with scientific purpose and a global reach. Continue reading

Intelligence and co-creation in Smart Specialisation Strategies: Towards the next stage of RIS3

The white paper on “Intelligence and Co-creation in Smart Specialisation Strategies’ outlines some key conclusions from the Online S3 project, funded under the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission. The Online S3 project has produced an online platform composed of software applications and roadmaps that facilitate the design and implementation of Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3).

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Ten use cases of innovative data – driven approaches for policymaking at EU level

data4policy logoIn 2014, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications networks, content and technology (DG CONNECT) launched a reflection around new trends in evidence-informed policy-making, as one important element of Public Sector Modernisation. This report has been prepared in the context of: “Data for Policy: A study of big data and other innovative data – driven approaches for evidence – informed policymaking’ The Data4Policy study was completed in 2016. Continue reading