According to the corporate authors the European Commission and Directorate-General for Research and innovation, research and innovation are key to building a prosperous future for the EU. They therefore figure prominently in the Europe 2020 strategy and the European Semester process and underpin progress towards the 10 priorities of the Juncker Commission, from providing a new boost to jobs, growth and investment, to developing the digital single market and developing the Energy Union. Continue reading
The Smart Regions conference took place in Brussels on 1-2 June 2016. This event marked the transition from the completion of RIS3 towards full implementation in regional and interregional programmes and investment projects. It gathered 636 representatives from regional authorities, research, business and European institutions. Continue reading
According to this press release by the European Commission, European Cloud Initiative will give Europe a global lead in the data-driven economy. This cloud infrastructure will be used to form a bridge linking the different sources of data, emerging from European research activities. Continue reading
URENIO Research organised a seminar for the academic community on Smart Specialisation. Research and Innovation Strategies of Smart Specialisation (RIS3) are integrated, regional focused agendas for economic development that aim Continue reading
The special issue on Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation in Europe, published by the European Journal of Innovation Management (Vol.17-4), guest editor Mikel Landabaso, contains 6 papers that focus on an important topic in the current debate about the new industrial policy for Europe and also as a successful crisis exit strategy Continue reading
Energy efficiency, employment and SMEs are core focus of EU 2014-2020 Cohesion Policy says new Commission report. The European Commission’s 6th Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion published today shows that EU Cohesion Policy is delivering on the growth goals of the Europe 2020 Strategy by creating jobs and reducing disparities across Europe. Continue reading
A new publication of the Directorate General of Regional and Urban Policy underlines the main elements of smart specialisation as strategy guiding the Europe’s growth agenda. “Smart specialisation is a strategic approach to economic development through targeted support to research and innovation. Each region, whether it be strong or weak, high-tech or low-tech, goes through Continue reading