Urenio Watch Watch: Innovation Strategies

Smart Specialisation Strategies in Greece

This series of 14 reports deal with Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation in Greece. These reports have been prepared at the request of the Directorate-General for Regional Policy, Greece and Cyprus Unit, of the European Commission.  They are targeted at national, regional and local authorities, business, higher education and non-governmental stakeholders (the so-called quadruple helix) in Greece and the 13 Greek regions. Continue reading

Smart and Sustainable Growth through Smart Specialisation

“Connecting Smart and Sustainable Growth through Smart Specialisation” is    a guide in a series of guides prepared in the framework of the Smart Specialisation Platform set up by the European Commission. It is not an academic publication but a practical document with concrete recommendations and examples of good practice that show potential ways forward and to facilitate Continue reading

In Search of Innovation – The INNOPOLIS project Final Conference in Thessaloniki

A two-day conference, titled:“IN SEARCH OF INNOVATION ‘“ How can knowledge exchange practices within University City Regions stimulate regional development?’, will take place  on 11th & 12th of October 2012,  coordinated by the Decentralized Administration of Macedonia – Thrace (DAMT), within the framework of the INTERREG IVC project “INNOPOLIS’. Continue reading

UK Innovation and Research Strategy for Growth

Published in December 2011, the Innovation and Research Strategy for Growth sets out the Coalition Government’ s plans to boost economic growth through investment in research and innovation across the UK. The strategy is based upon an understanding that Government can be an important driver of innovation, and on the UK’ s recognised strengths, Continue reading