Bloomberg BusinessWeek published a series of articles about how data analytics is helping urban areas improve the quality of life by cutting crime, pollution and waste. Continue reading
Intelligent / Smart Cities Solutions
Since December 13, the alpha version of the PERIPHÈRIA PLATFORM for Networked Smart Peripheral Cities for Sustainable Lifestyles is available on the programme’s official website at: Continue reading
Schneider Electric and its recently acquired Telvent have collaborated to develop and introduce an integrated suite of solutions to improve the efficiency and sustainability of urban infrastructures, leading to more livable cities. Continue reading
The IBM Smarter Planet Leadership Series celebrates the forward thinkers who embraced change and put innovation to work in their organizations, their industries, their world. Continue reading
A group of presentations from Slideshare offering an overview of potential smart city applications that can developed over the semantic web: Web Evolution; Semantic Web Landscape; Web 3.0: The semantic web; From the Semantic Web to the Web of Data; Semantic Web and Content Strategy. Continue reading
Samantha Cliffe published three examples where QR codes are used in buildings in a number of creative ways and not just in the form of billboards. The examples include the N Building in Tokyo, QR codes for building permits across New York City, and a hotel designed to look like a giant QR code in Dubai. Continue reading
The presentations from the COST Strategic Workshop on Smart Cities held on 26 and 27 September 2011 are available and include project presentations on smart mobility, urban security and the future of the cities from a Smart Cities perspective. Continue reading