Over two thirds of the population will live in urban areas by 2050, which will cause a massive increase in demand for services. So what needs to change? Technological developments such as artificial intelligence and the internet of things will allow cities to become smart, almost thinking like a human brain Continue reading
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This article “A Review of Smart Cities Based on the Internet of Things Concept” by Talari et al. (2017) provides an inclusive overview of the concept of the smart city through the perspective of different applications, benefits, and advantages of the Internet of Things. The aim of this review article was to explore variant specifications and features of IoT systems, along with the efficient incentives for utilizing them.
While smart cities have evolved and advanced, and smart automobiles have been making great progress, parking lots have been ignored. Even though looking for a parking spot is frustrating, time-consuming and often nerve-wracking, people have accepted the process as part and parcel of everyday life. However, smart parking lots have started to appear and the first results have been promising. The growth consultants Frost & Sullivan have reported that investments of around $200-$250 million will take place until 2019, and, by 2020, around a million smart parking spaces will be available worldwide.
AT&T, in collaboration with Business for Social Responsibility, G3ict and World Enabled, launched a new white paper — Smart Cities for All: A Vision for an Inclusive, Accessible Urban Future. The report aims to highlight the potential for smart city technology to enable benefits for people who are aging and people who are living with disabilities, and to indicate suggested practices for building more inclusive smart cities. The report focuses on North America, though it includes global examples and technologies. Continue reading
This special theme explores how technology-enabled platforms have been taken up in urban governance processes through platforms variously labeled as big data, crowdsourcing, or the sharing economy. These emerging platforms and practices are challenging the tactics, capabilities, and authorizations employed to define and govern urban problems. Continue reading
Smart Cities, Big Data and the Built Environment: What’ s Required? is a report published by RICS. This study focuses on exploring the scope for the development of data platforms at city level in the UK and internationally, in order to determine how the RICS and its members (and other built environment professions, including architects, planners and engineers) can benefit from these data platforms. Continue reading
One startup out of Germany is endeavoring to address urban environmental issues through a novel solution. Green City Solutions creates huge vertical planter boxes for public spaces utilizing plants adept at removing dust, nitrogen dioxide and ozone gasses from low-lying smog. The company Continue reading