The British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (BVCA) and NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts) published the report “From funding gaps to thin markets‘, which examines the effectiveness of UK government-backed venture capital schemes. Continue reading
Watch: Incubators
With the conclusion of the MEDICUBE project, an INTEREG IIIB ‘“ ARCHI MED program that aims to create a fertile innovation environment inside incubators, a blueprint was produced informing about the online platform facilitating key innovation processes of incubators. Continue reading
The Enterprise Finance Index (EFI) website has been launched by the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry 27th May 2008. It aims to provide data and trends about the development of access to finance for SMEs in the Member States in a clear and user-friendly manner, and enable policy makers Continue reading
BusinessWeek magazine published its roundup of the tech industry’s most promising players aged 30 and under. The selection is based on a survey among venture capitalists, magazine’s readers, and the editorial staff. BusinessWeek tries to identify whose ideas and innovations are likely to make the biggest impact on technology in the coming years. Continue reading
The 2007 Crunchies is an annual competition and award ceremony to recognize and celebrate the most compelling startups, internet and technology innovations of the year. Continue reading
BusinessWeek Magazine has published a special report on America’s Best Young Entrepreneurs for 2007. Most finalists are banking on the Web, but some have broken into more traditional sectors such as publishing, manufacturing, and investment banking. Continue reading
The Microsoft Emerging Business Team has announced a new program for innovative software startups around the world. The Microsoft Startup Accelerator Program helps high potential startups accelerate their partnership with Microsoft. Continue reading