An Economist special report on a “retail renaissance’ in international banking makes the case that an upheaval is coming, driven by technological changes, that will shake up the banking industry. The Internet and mobile phones are turning boring old retail banking into an exciting industry. Continue reading
Strategic Intelligence - Foresight
In the future, cities will be judged by their generativity. The globally mobile entrepreneur will decide where to invest capital and where to live will depend on a city’ s ability to be generative, i.e. create Continue reading
Over the years, Google has conducted and commissioned hundreds of studies around consumers, media trends and the impact of online advertising and new technologies. In the spirit of open information and the exchange of ideas, the company shares the findings and fuel new conversations about what we all can learn. Continue reading
IBM published a paper that explores how can the wealth of information being generated by social media help us better understand how our cities function and create smarter cities in the process? Continue reading
“Value of the Web” is a compilation of research that attempts to quantify the Internet’ s impact on society. In less than thirty years, the Internet has become an indispensable guarantor of economic growth, social renewal and cultural enrichment. Continue reading
US Public Technology Institute (PTI) has identified its list of technology “ins and outs” ‘“ the solutions and practices that will impact the local government marketplace in 2012. Continue reading
Forrester’s Brian Hopkins has identified 10 tech trends that enterprise architects (EA) should be watching through 2014. The report, “The Top 10 Technology Trends EA Should Watch: 2012 To 2014”, identifies trends that are expected to have a strong impact on IT over the next few years. Continue reading