Urenio Watch Watch: Innovation Measurement

The World’ s Most Innovative Universities

top-100-most-innovative-universities-2015Reuters published its first world’s top 100 innovative universities ranking, building on a methodology that employs 10 different metrics. The criteria focused on academic papers, which indicate basic research performed at a university, and patent filings, which point to an institution’s interest in protecting and commercializing its discoveries. Continue reading

The Global Innovation 1000: Navigating the Digital Future

Navigating-the-Digital-FutureBooz & Company’ s annual study of R&D spending reveals the tools that are transforming innovation’”from customer insight to product launch. The study focuses on the digital enablers of the innovation process’”how the most successful companies are, and aren’ t, using digital tools and processes to improve speed, decrease cost, enhance quality, reduce complexity, and sharpen insight into customer and market needs to improve their innovation efforts. Continue reading

Search and Social Media Marketing for International Business

search-social-media-marketing-international-business-teamThe University of Salford has designed a pilot  MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)  named “Search and Social Media Marketing for International Business’. This is a free online course  that will provide information for businesses who want to gain a better understanding of social media in the workplace and enhance international trade prospects.   Continue reading