The smart city paradigm was shaped in two decades at the turn of the century, between 1990 and 2010. The paper of Mora, Bolici and Deakin “The First Two Decades of Smart-City Research: A Bibliometric Analysis’ reports on these first two decades of research on smart cities, examining the literature published between 1992 and 2012 by a bibliometric analysis. Continue reading
Watch: Publications on Intelligent Cities / Smart Cities
The article “From Smart to Cognitive Cities: Intelligence and Urban Utopias ‘ by A. Psaltoglou was published in the 11th issue of Archidoct and discusses the relation between human intelligence and cities. Through briefly describing human intelligence and utopian thinking, it critically presents two current urban utopias, Smart and Cognitive cities and explores the role of technology as well as the concept of intelligence in both cases. Continue reading
This article seeks to answer a series of conceptual questions related to smart city, such as what are its main characteristics, in what aspects people label some cities as smart etc, in order to conceptualize smart city for both academics and practitioners who use this concept. Continue reading
Realizing the Potential of Blockchain: A Multistakeholder Approach to the Stewardship of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies is a white paper produced by World Economic Forum, that tries to shed light on blockchain governance challenges and multistakeholder cooperation opportunities. More specifically, this report provides a structured analytical framework and taxonomy for use by industry, technical, governmental, civil society and other stakeholders in considering how they might collaborate to resolve problems and unlock opportunities beyond the reach of any single actor. Continue reading
This chapter develops a research agenda for big and open data in smart cities on the basis of a thorough literature discussion of Actor Network Theory and the key concepts of urban governance and complexity. It sheds light on the challenges that emerge from the intensified interactions between the social and the physical aspects of urban dynamics in the smart city. Continue reading