Ricardo Matheus, Marijn Janssen and Devender Maheshwari (2018) have recently published an article entitled “Data science empowering the public: Data-driven dashboards for transparent and accountable decision-making in smart cities” regarding the benefits of using data-driven dashboards for the governance of smart cities. According to their research, there are significant challenges that have to be considered when designing dashboards. They suggest a set of principles that can guide the design process in order to make the decision-making process more transparent and trustful.
Publications on Intelligent Cities / Smart Cities
The current paper by Moreno et al. (2016) attempts to analyze the interest of big data for smart cities through the presentation of some applications in two scenarios. The first scenario deals with large volumes of heterogeneous information for use in smart building applications and the second one is centered on the public tram service in the city of Murcia, Spain.
This book presents a series of information technologies that provide better living conditions in the cities of tomorrow. It brings together research findings from 27 countries across the globe, from academia, industry and government. It addresses a number of crucial topics in state of the arts of technologies and solutions related to smart cities, including big data and cloud computing, collaborative platforms, communication infrastructures, smart health, sustainable development and energy management. Continue reading
Igor Calzada, lecturer and research fellow in Urban Transformations and the Future of Cities at the University of Oxford, has recentrly written a chapter in the book “Co-Designing Economies in Transition: Radical Approaches in Dialogue with Contemplative Social Sciences“, regarding the evolution of smart cities into a new category, the “experimental city”. Starting with the deconstruction of the concept of “smartness”, Calzada attempts to foresee how citizenship could require a more active role in this new category.
URENIO Research published an article that explores the potential contribution of smart city applications to sustainable urban development, and more specifically to environmental sustainability. Through an in-depth investigation of applications hosted on the Intelligent City Software and Solutions repository (ICOS), the paper identifies under-researched and under-exploited fields of smart city applications that could be opportunities to attain the “zero vision’ objectives.
Martijn de Waal and Marloes Dignum have recently published an article entitled “The citizen in the smart city. How the smart city could transform citizenship” in the journal of it – Information Technology. The article explores the relation between smart cities and citizenship through the introduction of an heuristic sheme that includes (1) the Control Room, (2) the Creative City and (3) the Smart Citizens.
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The Open Access Journal Urban Planning has published a special issue related to the topic of smart cities, and more specifically related to the aspect of infrastructure and information. It contains one editorial and three articles that present different smart cities solutions implemented in real-case scenarios. The editors of the special issue are Soora Rasouli, Harry Timmermans and Dujuan Yang. Continue reading