Grid computing pioneer and big data visionary Charlie Catlett recently delivered a presentation on “Big Data and the Future of Cities’ as part of the Argonne OutLoud series, hosted by Argonne National Laboratory. Catlett explores how emerging technologies in high-performance computing, embedded systems and data analytics can help mitigate some of the challenges associated with increased urbanization. Continue reading
Videos on Intelligent Cities
The Center for Data Innovation and the Sunlight Foundation organized a panel discussion highlighting the impact of open data across education, health care, international development, and other fields. Continue reading
Mathieu Lefevre, Executive Director of the New Cities Foundation, moderated a panel discussion on New Cities Summit 2014, about whether we need a new paradigm to describe the inevitable and growing relationship between technology and our cities, other than “Smart City”. Continue reading
Usman Haque, founding partner of Umbrellium, founder of Haque Design + Research and founder of Pachube, a real-time data infrastructure and community for the Internet of Things, talked about how, in an age of extreme connectivity, what becomes important is what we are connected to. Continue reading
Opening government data demands much more than technology, says Mike Flowers, the former chief analytics officer of New York City. In this interview with McKinsey Global Institute partner Michael Chui, Flowers details the bridges that needed to be built, internally and externally, to make New York’ s open-data effort succeed. An edited transcript of Flowers’ remarks follows. Continue reading
This 10 minutes video directed and produced by Gynna Millan, Illiany Hamdan and Roderick Selfridge, from the Media and Arts Technology Ph.D. programme, Queen Mary University of London, provides a quick overview of the ‘˜Smart Cities’ concept. Continue reading
The Center for Data Innovation orginized a panel discussion highlighting new findings about where demand for open data is strongest and how government agencies can help promote continued data-driven growth in these sectors. At the event, the GovLab at New York University officially released the Open Data 500, the first comprehensive study of U.S. companies that use open government data as a key business resource. Continue reading