Urenio Watch Watch: Videos on Intelligent Cities

Video: Interactive Kiosks in Manchester

miguide-screens-2A network of interactive digital touchscreens has been installed in Manchester’s city centre. The 10 digital kiosks give residents and visitors a wealth of wayfinding information at their fingertips through its MiGuide (Manchester interactive guide) screen. The system is designed not just to help people get around the city, but to get the most out of it. Continue reading

IBM 5 in 5: The city will help you live in it

us__none__predictions__5in5_2013_icon_cities__140x100In the 5 in 5 report IBM’ s top scientists report on what the world, supported by smart sensing and computing, will look like in five years. Included in the report was a projection of the ultra-connected city where citizens and city government can easily communicate through technology and automation will allow for the massive population growth in urban areas. Continue reading