Lee Fisher – President and CEO of CEOs for Cities held a talk with a focus on the City 2.0. He explains why cities are the primary drivers of growth, and how change rests at the intersection of great people and great ideas. Continue reading
Videos on Intelligent Cities
San Francisco Citizens Initiative for Technology and Innovation (sf.citi.), a nonprofit organization created by a consortium of SF technology leaders to “leverage the power of the technology community around civic action in San Francisco’, published an all-star video promoting the initiative. Continue reading
Warren Karlenzig, President of Common Current, a company which is working on urban sustainability master planning and similar issues, spoke at TEDx Mission on how cities are using collective intelligence approaches to address climate change and climate change adaptation. Continue reading
Jung-Hoon Lee discussed Amsterdam, San Francisco, and Seoul Smart City Projects at the “Innovations for Smart Green Cities: What’ s Working, What’ s Not, What’ s Next’ conference. Continue reading
Cliff Thomas, the managing director of smart & connected communities at Cisco Systems, discussed urbanization and global technology trends at the “Innovations for Smart Green Cities: What’s Working, What’s Not, What’s Next” conference. Continue reading
Ko-Yang Wang, chief technology officer of the Institute for Information Industry, discussed “smart services” and global trends in the development of smart cities. He spoke at the “Innovations for Smart Green Cities: What’s Working, What’s Not, What’s Next” conference on on June 26-27, 2012. Continue reading
A video from the UP Singapore exhibition at the 2012 World Cities Summit. Data and the ability to act on it is what makes a city more intelligent: Continue reading