The challenge facing companies is to provide the right products in the right quantity at the right place and time, but as product life cycles become ever shorter while technology evolves ever more quickly, efficient and responsive supply chains are crucial for maintaining competitiveness. Continue reading
Virtual Innovation Environment
Hot Shot Business blends fast-paced, fun game play with real-world lessons to teach kids entrepreneurship concepts and skills as they build a virtual business from the ground up. Continue reading
VERITE (VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT FOR INNOVATION MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGIES) is one of the 14 thematic networks of the Innovating Regions in Europe (IRE) Network supported financially by the European Commission (FP5, Innovation Programme). The network is composed of 20 institutions representing 18 regions and 13 European countries. Continue reading
Interactions taking place on digital space complement the creative processes that occur into communities and institutional systems of innovation. A series of IT applications, solutions, and digital tools may be used to sustain innovation through virtual interaction and communication. Continue reading