As Chris Freeman has pointed out ‘The rate of technological change in any country and the effectiveness of companies in world competition in international/ trade in goods and services, does not depend simply on the scale of their R&D Continue reading
Intelligent Cities – Smart Cities – Innovation Ecosystems
The project “Excellence in Central Macedonia” was successfully completed in June 2005. The project belongs to the Regional Programmes of Innovative Actions, supported by the European Commission, DG Regio, and continued the efforts of previous RTP and RIS+ initiatives to support and expand the regional system of innovation in Central Macedonia, Greece.
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Business Week Special Report
‘The Knowledge Economy as we know it is being eclipsed by something new — call it the Creativity Economy. Continue reading
‘The Triple Helix is a spiral model of innovation that captures multiple reciprocal relationships at different points in the process of knowledge capitalization’. The model denotes the ‘university-industry-government’ relationship as a complex of interdependent institutional spheres, Continue reading
The International Conference on Integrating Regional Intelligence is organised in the framework of the Meta-Foresight initiative, an international project financed by the European Commission through the “Regions of Knowledge” Pilot Action.
This Conference will be held on the 6th and 7th of October in Cáceres (Extremadura Region), one of the 8 world heritage cities of Spain. Continue reading
A paper by Wulong Gu and Jianmin Tang
Examining innovation performance of Canadian manufacturing industries over the 1980–1997 period, the two authors found that almost all industries, with the exception of rubber and plastic, non-metallic mineral, and refined petroleum and coal products, became more innovative. Innovation performance was estimated with respect to four observable indicators: Continue reading
European Trend Chart on Innovation outlines five methods for calculating a composite innovation index from a number of analytical indicators. These methods may be useful for estimating overall innovation performance of countries, regions, industry sectors, even companies. For each method the advantages and disadvantages are presented. Continue reading