REFLOW is an EU H2020 project, from 2019 to 2022, that seeks to understand and transform urban material flows and to co-create and test circular and regenerative solutions in urban and peri-urban areas across Europe. The vision of REFLOW is to develop circular and regenerative cities through the re-localisation of production and the reconfiguration of material flows at different scales, leveraging Fab Labs and makerspaces as catalysts for wide-scale collaboration and co-creation conducive to systemic, sustainable change. The project operates at the international level, mobilising existing networks and movements that are working towards a new productive model for cities such as Circular Cities, C40 Cities and Fab City Global Initiative. Continue reading
Watch: Cities
The article “The future of waste management in smart and sustainable cities: A review and concept paper” was recently published in the journal of Waste Management. It builds on an integrative review of the literature, including IoT-enabled waste management practices. This study offers insights into the potential of smart cities and connected communities in facilitating waste management efforts. Continue reading