Urenio Watch Watch: Business Models

New Paper_DIY Laboratories and Business Innovation Ecosystems: The case of pharmaceutical industry

This paper examines and clarifies the basic mechanisms towards the integration of DIY laboratories into R&D networks of the pharmaceutical industry. It  explains the interdependent relationship between DIY laboratories, CROs, pharmaceutical firms and venture capitals in an innovation ecosystem.   Continue reading

Application Programming Interfaces in Governments: Why, what and how

This report presents the results of the European Commission application programming interfaces (APIs) for digital government (APIs4DGov) study, which aims to analyse the role of APIs in the public sector and, specifically, the motivations for their use and the way governments should implement them.  This document provides a concrete tool for governments to determine the status of their API strategies and, eventually, how these strategies should be designed or adopted.

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New paper: The Use of IoT Technology in Smart Cities and Smart Villages: Similarities, Differences, and Future Prospects

Τhis research paper addresses and discusses different application areas of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in Smart Cities (SCs) and Smart Villages (SVs). Differences and similarities in both ecosystems are identified, while the authors illuminate the standardization efforts that can be applicable in both contexts.

To cover the complex sociopolitical, cultural, and economic dynamics of SCs and SVs, this research is based on the concept of digital innovation ecosystems, stressing that both contexts have their own structural socio-economic features as well as geographical distinctions. Continue reading

Place-based Innovation Ecosystems: A case-study comparative analysis

This case study  represents a conclusive comparative analysis of a series of five Place-Based Innovation Ecosystem cases and aims at extracting policy relevant conclusions about the orchestrators and other systemically important actors and elements of these systems.  It contributes to the European Commission Joint Research Centre’ s research line about analysis and methodologies of Place-Based Innovation Ecosystems (PIEs).

The authors seek to generate scientific evidence for the future development of the European Union policies related to innovation in the context of regional and urban Innovation Ecosystems, emphasising the importance of the place-based dimension of innovation for the purpose of local economic transformation.

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INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: New Metropolitan Perspectives

The 4th International Symposium “New Metropolitan Perspectives’ is taking place online from the 26th to the 28th of May, 2020. It is held in English with some sessions in Italian.

The symposium faces the challenge of local development’ s innovation dynamics and its complexity putting humankind at the centre of the scientific debate, towards reclaiming that “man is the measure of all things’.     Continue reading

The 2019 European Triple Helix Congress on Responsible Innovation & Entrepreneurship 30/09/2019 – 01/10/2019 in Thessaloniki

ETHAC 2019The 2019 European Triple Helix Congress on Responsible Innovation & Entrepreneurship (EHTAC2019) will take place on 30th September ‘“ 1st October 2019 in Thessaloniki, Greece. The Congress is organized by the Triple Helix Association – a non-for-profit, non-governmental association with scientific purpose and a global reach. Continue reading

Leading Cities in a World of Disruptive Innovation

This 2017 Global Cities report takes a look at the world’s leading cities as well as those that are likely to become more important on the global stage. It includes the Global Cities Index, which examines cities’ performance, and the Global Cities Outlook, which evaluates their potential. Together, the Index and Outlook present a unique lens on the world’ s largest and most influential cities and those primed to make a strong impact. Continue reading