This paper investigates a different direction in smart city design and efficiency, based on lessons learned from high impact smart city projects and ecosystems. The authors focus on ‘˜Connected Intelligence Spaces’ created in smart city ecosystems, which (a) have physical, social, and digital dimensions; (b) work as systems of innovation enabling synergies between human, machine, and collective intelligence; and (c) improve efficiency and performance by innovating rather than optimizing city routines. Continue reading
Watch: Publications on Intelligent Cities / Smart Cities
The European Commission’ s Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) has announced the 90 EU cities that have been selected to participate in the 30 months program. ICC participating cities will receive high quality and tailored guidance and expert support, access to advisory and city peer networks (European and international), and capability building tools, to drive priority policy goals and the uptake of advanced technologies. Continue reading
This paper “Smart systems of innovation for smart places: Challenges in deploying digital platforms for co-creation and data-intelligence” by Anastasia Panori, Christina Kakderi, Nicos Komninos, Katharina Fellnhofer, Alasdair Reid and Luca Mora, argues that the rise and interconnection of various types of intelligence (artificial, human, collective) could transform the way smart places are being created and evolve. Through the case study of the research project OnlineS3, the paper indicates that digital platforms can better respond to the complexity of innovation systems providing dynamic and scale-diverse information.
This report is a collaborative work between ARUP, Toronto Region Board of Trade and Smart Cities Working Group, and provides concrete actions and recommendations in order to accelerate the efforts to make Toronto a world leader in smart solutions. Based on the idea that smarter and more resilient cities are the result of a unified strategy, the report suggests that local government together with other stakeholders should develop a smarter Toronto vision and strategy with specific actions and measurable outcomes.