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Open Data Charter Measurement Guide

This guide is a collaborative effort of the Charter’ s Measurement and Accountability Working Group (MAWG) of the Open Knowledge International. It analyses the Open Data Charter principles  and how they are assessed based on current open government data measurement tools. Governments, civil society, journalists, and researchers may use it to better understand how they can measure open data activities according to the Charter principles.

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Data-driven dashboards for transparent and accountable decision-making

Ricardo Matheus, Marijn Janssen and Devender Maheshwari (2018) have recently published an article entitled “Data science empowering the public: Data-driven dashboards for transparent and accountable decision-making in smart cities” regarding the benefits of using data-driven dashboards for the governance of smart cities. According to their research, there are significant challenges that have to be considered when designing dashboards. They suggest a set of principles that can guide the design process in order to make the decision-making process more transparent and trustful.

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