Urenio Watch Watch: Cities

New Book: Democratizing Our Data

In the book “Democratizing our Data: A Manifesto” Julia Lane discusses the topic of data democratisation in the context of the US, legislations that could support it and successful paradigms that can be followed. The book is a call to rethink the way that US collects and analyzes public data, in order to improve privacy, equity and the implementation of policy initiatives. Continue reading

The State of Broadband 2016: Broadband catalyzing sustainable development

broadbandThe annual report  The State of Broadband 2016: Broadband catalyzing sustainable development published by the Broadband Commission assesses the current state of broadband worldwide and explores not only its role in underpinning inclusive and sustainable development, but also the necessary framework conditions to enable affordable, universal and available Internet access to be achieved.

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Urban Europe – Statistics on cities, towns and suburbs

urban-europeThis report, published by Eurostat on September 2016, provides detailed information for a number of territorial typologies that can be used to paint a picture of urban developments and urban life in the EU Member States, as well as European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and candidate countries.

Each chapter presents statistical information in the form of maps, tables and figures, accompanied by a description of the policy context and a set of main findings. Continue reading