Urenio Watch Watch: Publications on Intelligent Cities / Smart Cities

Paper: A systematic review on Sustainable development of smart cities

Sustainable development of smart cities: a systematic review of the literature, written by Evelin Priscila Trindade, Marcus Phoebe Farias Hinnig, Eduardo Moreira da Costa, Jamile Sabatini Marques, Rogério Cid Bastos and Tan Yigitcanlar, is an open access article exploring the relationship between the concepts of sustainable urban development and smart cities. Through a thorough review of the literature, they analyse 25 scientific articles that involve both the terms smart city and environmental sustainability, identifying any kind of models, frameworks or tools that these articles present.

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Smart sustainable cities of the future

This article, by Simon Elias Bibri and John Krogstie, entitled “Smart sustainable cities of the future: An extensive interdisciplinary literature review” provides an overview of existing approaches from various scientific fields related to smart and sustainable cities. It is published in the journal Sustainable Cities and Society by Elsevier. Continue reading

Paper: An empirical investigation of social innovation initiatives for sustainable urban development

This paper written by Angelidou and Psaltoglou (2017) is focused on the role of citizens in social innovation initiatives regarding sustainable urban development, and more specifically environmental sustainability. Through the investigation of 29 cases of social innovation initiatives for sustainability across 9 domains, this research identifies four primary citizen profiles in social innovation for sustainable urban development. Continue reading

Guiding Planners to the Connected Cities of the Future

This report is the first ICT industry publication designed for city decision makers including CTOs, CIOs and technology advisors that provides an overview of the network-enabled technologies to have the greatest impact on the evolving Smart City. Developed by the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS), it aims to help city planners know what’s on the horizon for tomorrow so that they can start developing their technology vision today.

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Bogotá Commitment and Action Agenda

bogotaThe World Council, UCLG’s principle policy-making body, approved Bogotá Commitment and Action Agenda as the main political output of the Congress. Within the framework of the Global Report on Local Democracy and Decentralization (GOLD IV) and after an extensive in-depth consultation process with UCLG’s members across the world, this commitment contributes to the global debate on sustainable development.

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Sustainable, Climate-resilient and Vibrant Cities: Good Practices from Covenant of Mayors signatories


In their publication Sustainable, Climate-resilient and Vibrant Cities: Good Practices, Covenant of Mayors signatories present some of the best practices of European cities that show how combining adaptation and mitigation measures can help cities make better planning decisions and solve key challenges. Continue reading

The State of Broadband 2016: Broadband catalyzing sustainable development

broadbandThe annual report  The State of Broadband 2016: Broadband catalyzing sustainable development published by the Broadband Commission assesses the current state of broadband worldwide and explores not only its role in underpinning inclusive and sustainable development, but also the necessary framework conditions to enable affordable, universal and available Internet access to be achieved.

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