Urenio Watch Watch: Cities

Are we living in a Suburban Planet?

This book focuses on the process that creates the global urban periphery, namely suburbanization, as well as the ways of life, suburbanisms, that are encountered there. Inspired by Henri Lefebvre’s demand not to give up urban theory when the city in its classical form disappears, this book is a challenge to urban thought more generally as it invites the reader to reconsider the city from the outside in. It is part of the Urban Futures series. Continue reading

New Urban Worlds: Inhabiting Dissonant Times

new urban worlds coverWritten by AbdouMaliq Simone and Edgar Pieterse, this book attempts to address the relationship between urban theory and practice in Asia and Africa. It is argued that we need to look at the neighborhood or district level to get the essence of urban lives. This book reads like a collection of authors’ thoughts on urban change over the past several decades. It reflects their concern for social justice in African and Asian cities, which is ever challenged by the commodification and technologization of urban spaces.

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Redefining Global Cities

A new report by the Brookings Institution’ s Metropolitan Policy Program provides detailed data on the 123 largest global cities based on their metro economies and uses these data to create a new typology of the seven types of global cities. Through this typology, this report aims to provide a valuable lens through which to understand the evolving global economy.

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Special Issue: City Innovation

The journal California Management Review published the Special Issue “City Innovation”. The argument behind this issue is that the growing trend of urbanization has made cities the epicenter of innovation and entrepreneurship in our modern economy.

As global hubs of commerce, labor, and collaboration, our cities are more important than ever. Therefore, this issue focuses on innovative communities around the world, examining the factors that contribute to their success, and revealing the ways in which emerging “smart” technologies will shape the cities of the future.

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The State of European Cities Report, 2016

This report, jointly produced by the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission and UN-Habitat, highlights how the unique characteristics of European cities can support the EU priorities of jobs & growth, migration and climate action. Cities boost innovation, embrace people from different backgrounds and reduce our impact on the planet. Cities that operate at the metropolitan scale and have sufficient autonomy and resources can better exploit these urban advantages. Continue reading